Getting someone's IP address

From  MSN Messenger

1. Login to MSN messenger.
2. Open cmd (start => run => "cmd").
3. Type "Netstat -N" and hit enter.
4. Start chatting with the person who's IP you want.
5. Send them a file. Any kind of file. Like a little picture or something.
6. Start a new cmd and type "Netstat -N" and hit enter.
7. Compare the cmd screens. You will see a new IP in the middle. And that's the person's IP.

From a Computer

1. Open cmd and type "ipconfig"
2. You will see your IP on the screen. It will say something like "IP Address:"

If you want to see more details then type "ipconfig/all"

From an email

1. Open Outlook Express and find an email that was sent by your victim.
2. Right click the email and click "Properties".
3. Click on "Details" and then click "Message Source".
4. Look for "X-Originating-IP" or something like that.
5. And that will be your victim's IP.